Buenas tardes, estimada familia IPEP #inglésipep #ingléspagsypau (en Twitter).
Vamos ya a por la segunda semana de febrero, con el carnaval oliendo ya a incienso y la cuaresma asomando el cirio.
Acaba de concluir la Semana Erasmus+ del IPEP, con gran éxito a tenor de los comentarios recibido, así que retomamos nuestras clases como Dios manda.
Hoy nos vamos a centrar en las llamadas oraciones pasivas, por ejemplo:
1) A Manuel le han puesto pelo en su calva. (pasiva)
2) Manuel se ha puesto pelo en su calva. (pasiva)
3) El médico ha puesto pelo en la calva de Manuel. (activa)
Las dos primeras indicen en lo importante, en que le han puesto pelo, pero no se dice por quién.
En la última, comenzamos diciendo quién ha puesto el pelo.
1 y 2) Manuel has been put some new hair on his head.
3) They have put hair on his head.
O mejor aún:
1) Manuel has been put a horrible brown wig.
A Manuel le han puesto una peluca marrón horrible.
2) Manuel has been sold the most horrible wig in the shop.
A Manuel le han vendido la peluca más horrorosa de la tienda.
3) Manuel has been told to buy another wig because that is horrible.
A Manuel le han dicho que se compre otra peluca porque esta es horrible.
4) Manuel has not paid attention to this piece of advice and has bought the most disgusting wig in the shop.
Manuel no ha hecho caso del consejo y se ha comprado la peluca más horrible de la tienda.
Hoy toca un texto muy sencillo con el que vamos a seguir trabajando las oraciones pasivas, que son las más usadas en los textos periodísticos serios, no en 'sálvame' y cosas similares:
AZUL: Traducciones.
ROJO: Aspectos gramaticales.
VERDE: Aspectos culturales.
NARANJA: Estructuras concatenadas
MORADO: Traducción y sinónimos, antónimos, etc.
Amarillo: Palabras con trampa.
Os dejo una plantilla para que, sobre la marcha, podáis ir completando con sinónimos, antónimos, etc y los significados. Espero que os sea de utilidad. Pinchad aquí para descargarla.
Iraq violence: 'Many dead' in Kirkuk police HQ attack
At least 16 people have been killed as a suicide bomber and gunmen attacked a police headquarters in the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk, police say.
Officials said militants had tried to seize the compound after a bomb exploded at the gates, but were unsuccessful. A police chief was hurt. No group has said it carried out the attack.
Kirkuk is ethnically mixed, and at the centre of a dispute between Baghdad and the Kurds over oil and land rights. Two weeks ago at least 10 people were killed in a suicide bomb attack on the offices of the Kurdish Democratic Party in the city. Sunni insurgents linked to al-Qaeda have been blamed for much of the recent violence in Iraq. However, there has been a relative calm in recent days.
https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles-espanol/compound |
The attack took place at around 09:15 local time (06:15 GMT) in the centre of Kirkuk. "I saw a vehicle stop at the checkpoint at the main entrance, and the police started checking it," eyewitness Kosrat Hassan Karim told the AFP news agency. "Suddenly, a loud explosion happened, it was terrifying."
Two militants reportedly dressed in police uniforms and armed with guns, grenades and suicide vests rushed the main gate of the headquarters after the bomb was detonated. One was killed immediately by police. They tried to dismantle the other's suicide vest but were unsuccessful, so they shot him dead, reports said.
At least 80 people were injured including local police chief Brigadier Sarhad Qader, whose condition is described as stable. First reports said the death toll had been as high as 30. The attack caused massive damage to nearby buildings. Traffic in the city centre was stopped, and offices in the area were evacuated.
With its massive oil reserves, Kirkuk is the most bitterly contested of Iraq's disputed territories. It houses a mixture of Arabs, Kurds and Turkmen.
https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles-espanol/house?q=houses |
The Kurds want to incorporate it into their largely autonomous region, while Arabs and Turkmen oppose any change to its current status, ruled directly from Baghdad. Correspondents say militants often exploit differences between the Iraqi and Kurdish security forces by launching deadly attacks in the city.
👉👉👉👉Ejemplos de oraciones en pasiva:
1) At least 16 people have been killed as...
Al menos, 16 personas han sido asesinadas mientras que...
2) A police chief was hurt.
Un jefe de policía resultó herido.
3) ... at least 10 people were killed in...
Al menos 10 personas murieron en... /resultaron muertas en...
4) Sunni insurgents linked to al-Qaeda have been blamed for...
Se ha culpado a los insurgentes Sinies relacionados con Al-Qaeda por...
5) ...after the bomb was detonated.
...después de que la bomba fuese detonada
6) One was killed immediately by police.
Uno resultó muerto inmediatamente por la policía.
7) 80 people were injured including local police...
80 personas resultaron heridas incluidos policías locales...
8)...whose condition is described as stable.
cuyo estado se describe como estable.
9) Traffic in the city centre was stopped,
El tráfico en el centro de la ciudad fue detenido,
10) ...and offices in the area were evacuated...
... y las oficinas de la zona fueron evacuadas.