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Boris Johnson reports U.K.’s first known death from the omicron coronavirus variant.
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LONDON — At least one person has died from of the omicron variant, the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Monday as he urged Britons to quickly increase their protection with a booster shot. It was the first reported fatality in the country from the variant.
Johnson, who was speaking to reporters during a visit to a vaccination clinic in West London, said that the omicron variant “was producing hospitalizations, and sadly at least one patient has been confirmed to have died with omicron.”
“I think the idea that this is somehow a milder version of the virus, I think that’s something we need to set on one side and just recognize the sheer pace at which it accelerates through the population,” he said.
The prime minister’s office did not immediately offer any further details about the victim.
Officials in England and Scotland say omicron cases appear to be doubling every two to three days and is spreading faster than it has in South Africa.
On Sunday, Britain reported 1,239 new cases of the omicron variant, a near-doubling of the 633 cases confirmed on Saturday. There are now a total of 3,137 confirmed cases of the variant in the country. Scientists suspect there are in reality 10,000s of new infections.
The Washington Post. Democracy dies in Darkness.
Nicola Sturgeon, the first minister of Scotland, said Friday that the omicron variant will overtake the common delta strain “within days, not weeks.”
The prime minister said, “the best thing we can do is all get our boosters.” Johnson made the comments as Britons stood in long lines outside clinics on Monday, waiting to get their third dose of vaccination.
Others who tried to book appointments via the National Health Service website were told to try again later. Some people said that the NHS website had crashed.
On Sunday evening, Johnson announced in a televised address that Britain would try to get booster shots to everyone age 18 and over by New Year’s Day, bringing forward an earlier deadline by a month.
“A tidal wave of omicron is coming,” Johnson said. “And I’m afraid it is now clear that two doses of vaccine are simply not enough to give the level of protection we all need.”
To reach that target, the NHS will need to carry out about a million vaccinations a day, double what it is doing now.
Health Secretary Sajid Javid warned Monday that omicron infections were doubling at “phenomenal” rate.
“We’re once again in a race between the vaccine and the virus,” Javid told Sky News. “Two doses are not enough, but three doses still provide excellent protection against symptomatic infection.”
The good news: the health services agency said preliminary studies found that third, booster jab of Pfizer would likely raise protection from omicron considerably — to 70 to 80 percent range.
Teresa Lambe, a co-author of the study and a professor at the Jenner Institute at University of Oxford, said neutralizing antibodies might not tell the whole story and that other immune responses against omicron may be stimulated by the vaccines.
Lambe said that early studies by others also suggested that a booster dose of existing vaccines may be effective against omicron.
She urged people to get a booster and said, “I am carefully optimistic,” but that is currently sensible to “prepare for the worst, but hope for the best.”
Lambe and other scientists said it is a numbers game: if there are suddenly, quickly millions of new omicron infections in Britain, even if the variant is not more deadly, the large number new cases will send a lot of people to the hospital, where some will die.
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