Buenas tardes, estimada familia IPEPINGLÉS.
Hoy os dejo para trabajar a vuestro ritmo un ejercicio de lectura comprensiva pensado para practicar las últimas preguntas de vuestro examen que, si no hay cambios inesperados, serán de comprensión lectora, a tenor de lo visto en los modelos que nos han facilitado hasta ahora.
ATENCIÓN: Este ejercicio es en realidad un examen real usado para otras pruebas.
Vamos a por él.
Movie theaters must urgently rethink the experience, a study says.
About 49 per cent of prepandemic moviegoers are no longer buying tickets. Some of them, approximately 8 per cent, have likely been lost forever. To win back the rest, cinema owners must urgently rethink pricing and customer perks in addition to focusing on coronavirus safety.
Those were some of the results from a new study on the state of the American movie theater business, which was troubled before the pandemic -attendance declining, streaming services proliferating- and has struggled to rebound from coronavirus- forced closings in 2020. Over the weekend, tickets sales in the Unites States and Canda stood at around $96 million, compared to $181 million over the same period in 2019.
The study was commissioned by three research companies, which intend to run the survey once a quarter.
'The research clearly shows that theaters are suffering because the pandemic intensified, accelerated, amplified all of the nascent trends that were underway,' Ms. Linda Ong, head of one of the companies, said. 'That is the definition of a perfect storm -not that various problems exist at the same time, but that they have an intensifying effect on each other.'
'The nascent trends? Rising ticket prices. Decreasing 'experiential value,' including the perception that moviegoing has become a hassle. The run-down state of shopping malls, where many theaters are. A generational shift toward streaming, gaming and other smartphone-based entertainment.
Texto adaptado de www.nytimes.com
Pues escuchar el texto pinchando en este enlace: aquí.
1) Perks: ventajas.
2) Underway: en marcha.
3) Rebound: recuperarse.
4) Hassle: engorro, problema, tostón.
5) Quarter: trimestre.
6) Rundown: deteriorado, hecho picón, en muy mal estado.
7) Nascent: naciente, incipiente, que empieza.
8) Theater: cine o teatro.
9) Shift: giro, cambio.
10) Commissioned: encargado.
11) Struggled: luchado, peleado por.
12) To win back: recuperar.
13) Pricing: precios.
14) Research: investigación.
15) Survey: encuesta.
16) Once: una vez
17) Moviegoers: personas que van al cine con frecuencia.
1) Indica si las siguientes afirmaciones son verdaderas o falsas.
a) More people used to go to the cinema before the pandemic than now.
b) Streaming services make fewer people go to the cinema.
c) A different research company will conduct the survey every three months.
d) The problem of the cinema business is that it has many problems.
e) Younger people usually get their entertainment from their smartphones now.
1) few: pocos
2) fewer: menos
2) Marca las respuesta que mejor se ajuste a lo expresado en el texto:
A) 8 per cent of moviegoers...
1. -would like cheaper ticket prices. (cheaper: más barato)
2. -will probably never return to the cinema. (return: volver)
3. -are no longer buying tickets. (no longer: ya no se hace)
B) In 2020...
1. -cinemas had to be closed due to coronavirus. (due to: debido a)
2. -coronavirus forced the proliferation of streaming services. (forced: obligó)
3. -ticket sales stood at almost %100 million on weekends. (stood at: se quedó en)
C) A perfect storm...
1. -has intensified the pandemic.
2. -has had a terrible effect on the cinema business.
3. -is a metaphorical way of calling a serious problem. (way: manera, forma de)
D) The pandemic...
1. -caused many problems that affect the movie industry.
2. -exposed some new trends in moviegoing. (trends: modas, tendencias)
3. -made existing problems much worse. (worse: peor)
E) Moviegoing...
1. -is less convenient than it used to be. (used to: solía)
2. -has become a problem.
3. -is the favorite pastime of older generations.
Para que podáis buscar en este mismo blog aquello que necesitéis reforzar:
1. have likely been lost: presente perfecto.
2. has struggled to: presente perfecto.
4. which intend to run:
5. was commissioned by: oraciones pasivas.
6. must urgently rethink: verbos modales.
Saludos y buen fin de semana.
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