Buenas tardes, estimada familia IPEP #inglésipep #ingléspagsypau (en Twitter).
AZUL: Traducciones.
ROJO: Aspectos gramaticales.
VERDE: Aspectos culturales.
NARANJA: Estructuras concatenadas
MORADO: Traducción y sinónimos, antónimos, etc.
Amarillo: Palabras con trampa.
Este es un texto muy bueno para aprender algunos aspectos de Historia -huelgas-, la Época Victoriana, culturales -the Tube-, cambios sociales -el uso de la bicicleta para ir a trabajar -commuting- y mucha gramática, como verbos irregulares -beat, drove-, el uso de For y During, de 'every', de las preposiciones -through- y de los verbos modales o sus primos hermanos -do not have to, need. Además, volvemos a ver los relativos -who, that-, el uso de always, yet y already, expresiones difíciles como 'no longer' y por último, nos introducimos en la galaxia de las 'oraciones condicionales', If I were rich...
Go on Two Wheels
"1 Beat 2 the Tube 3 strike, get a bike!" During the 48-hour 4 shutdown of 5 London Underground in February 2014, thousands did just that and 6 took to two wheels. 52 During the 7 General Strike of 1926, the 8 middle-class volunteers who 9 drove trains were 10 strikebreakers. Similarly, these 11 two wheeled 12 commuters were 13 trying to beat the Tube strike. With 14 every turn of a bicycle wheel, human 15 freedom is 16 advanced.
Cyclists 17 do not have to 18 face 19 timetables; 20 through their 21 own 22 sweat, they 23 make their way in the world, 24 free from 25 following rigid lines of steel and electricity. The bike is individualism in action. The bicycle is a 26 reminder of the freedoms people 27 enjoyed in the 28 lost 29 Victorian days. You pay no 30 taxes or 31 duties; you 17B need no licence, permit or certificate of 32 proficiency - you 33 just get on your bike. And any cyclist with road sense will have a relaxed attitude 34 towards highways 35 regulations.
It is absurd to give dog-like obedience to 36 a red light when your eyes and ears tell you it is 37 safe to go. The bike has 38 always 39 pedalled individual freedom 39 forward. The Lady Cyclists' Association, founded in 1892, 40 knew that it 41 not only gave women an escape from home and husband, 41 but also a reason to 42 throw off 43 constricting dresses. Many lady cyclists, for practical 44 reasons, 45 made cause with the 46 Rational Dress Society 47 who opposed "the introduction of any fashion in dress that 48 either deforms the figure 48 or 49 impedes the movement of the body". The car is 50 no longer a symbol of freedom, so 51 if you want to feel free, go on two wheels.
Pincha en este vídeo para aprender a usar las oraciones condicionales en inglés:
Pincha en este enlace para otra explicación MUY BUENA sobre cómo hacer oraciones con that, who, which, whose, where, when, why, whom..., las llamadas oraciones de relativo, creado por Globalexamblog, cuyo blog os recomiendo encarecidamente:
Veamos dos ejemplos:
See you soon next week.
Saludos, familia.
Y para concluir la clase de hoy, vamos con otro poquito de marcha, con maracas: