Buenas tardes, estimada familia IPEP #inglésipep #ingléspagsypau (en Twitter).
@mcatenagarcia |
AzulL: Traducciones.
Rojo: Aspectos gramaticales.
Verde: Aspectos culturales.
Naranja: Estructuras concatenadas
Morado: Traducción y sinónimos, antónimos, etc.
Amarillo: Palabras con trampa.
En este texto vamos a trabajar oraciones interrogativas, presente simple, presente perfecto y continuo; pasados regulares e irregulares, adjetivos con preposiciones -aim at/to-, preposiciones -until-, enlaces -so, entre otros aspectos.
Tenéis enlaces a videos, apuntes, ejercicios, diccionarios, referencias culturales, etc.
Mindfulness is a meditation technique
aimed at focusing the mind on the present moment. A report
published this week anaylising data
involving 3,000 thousands participants
suggests mindfulness can help alleviate feelings of stress and
increase the quality of life. The study
also shows measurable improvements of up to 20% in symptoms of anxiety and depression.
So, what is mindfulness and
how does it work? Unlike mantra meditation,
which involves focusing
concentration on a particular word or sound, mindfulness
aims to achieve a
non-judmental awareness of
your thoughts, feelings and sensations.
This is what Mark Williams, professor of clinical pyschology at the Oxford Mindfulness Centre,
calls a direct
knowing of what is going on inside and outside
ourselves, moment by moment.' Buddist monks
have been practicing a similar technique for 2,500 years, but
it didn't reach western medicine
until the late 1970s. John kabat-Zinn, a US medical professor,
began sucessfully treating patients suffering from chronic pain with a programme he
called Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction.
In recent years, organizations
as varied as the US Army and Google
have started offering mindfulness training for
moreover, increasing numbers of schools
are incorporating it into the curriculum for 13 and 14 years-old. Frequently, the pace and stress of modern living leave us
caught up in a stream of
thoughts and feelings,
trapped in past problems or
overwhelmed by future anxieties. The idea is that by connecting with the present moment mindfulness practitioners become essentially
able to manage feelings and sensations. The techniques sound simple
enough: sitting in a quite place, deep-belly breathing, paying attention to your body and training the mind to observe, focus and filter.
Why not give it a go?
See you soon.
Y para concluir, ¿qué mejor que un poco de música relajante? Con la Avalon Jazz Music Orchestra. Para planchar, es una música de fondo muy buena.
Saludos, familia.
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