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AzulL: Traducciones.
Rojo: Aspectos gramaticales.
Verde: Aspectos culturales.
Naranja: Estructuras concatenadas
Morado: Traducción y sinónimos, antónimos, etc.
Amarillo: Palabras con trampa.
En este texto vamos a trabajar algunos aspectos culturales, como National Youth Prize, geográficos -Swat Valley, Birmingham- y muchos otros temas lingüísticos: pasados simples regulares e irregulares, presente continuo -is studying-, presente perfecto -has spoken-, como decir las fechas en inglés, preposiciones -podéis descargar una lista-, relativos -who, that, which-, conectores -although, due to-, superlativos y comparativos -most, entre otros aspectos. Tenéis videos, apuntes para descargar, ejercicios online, etc.
Malala is a young girl 1 enrolled at the University of Oxford, 2 where she 3 is studying philosophy, politics and economics at 4 Lady Margaret Hall. What makes her different from the rest of students is that she is 5 leading the 6 fight for girls’ education 7 around the 8 world. She 9 has won the Nobel Prize, becoming the 10 youngest-ever Nobel Laureate, 11 meeting presidents and prime ministers and 12 urging them to 13 invest in her fight.
She 14 was born in Mingora, Pakistan, on 12th July 1997. She 15 grew up in Swat Valley, a zone 16 which Taliban militants 17 took control of in 2007. They 18 banned many things, 19 like 20 owning a television and playing music, using 21 harsh 22 punishments 23 that 24 included public executions for 25 citizens 26 who defied their orders. In December 2008, the Taliban 27 issued an 28 edict banning girls from 29 going to school. At that time she 30 started writing a blog 31 under a 32 pen name to protect her identity. She 33 tells about life under the Taliban. 34 Although she 35 fears 36 retaliation for speaking out 37 against the Taliban, she 38 publicly 39 campaigns for girls to go to school. At the age of 14, she wins Pakistan’s first 40 National Youth Peace Prize.
41 Due to her 42 increased 43 prominence, 44 both in Pakistan and around the world, the Taliban 45 targeted Malala. A 46 masked 47 gunman 48 entered Malala´s school bus and 49 asked for her by name. He 50 shot her in the 51 head, neck and shoulder. The world was 52 shocked and people 53 prayed for her 54 recovery. Malala 55 survived and after multiple 56 surgeries and 57 months of rehabilitation she 58 rejoined her family at home in 59 Birmingham, 60 UK.
Malala 61 has spoken at the United Nations on her 16th birthday and they 62 have declared July 12th “Malala Day”. She 63 has promised to dedicate this day 64 each year to 65 shining a spotlight on the world’s 66 most vulnerable girls. She is now on a mission 67 to meet girls and 68 listen about barriers to education, like violence, 69 child marriage and machismo culture.
1. Escribe cada palabra o expresión junto a su definición: (2puntos; 0,5 por apartado)
pen name // poverty // shoulder // spotlight
A. A name used by a writer that is not his or her real name:
B. The part on 71 either side of the body where the arm 72 joins the rest of the body:
C. A very strong light 73 focused to 74 pick out a person:
D. The state of having 75 little or no money, 76 goods, or 77 means of 78 support:
2. De acuerdo con el texto, indica si las siguientes afirmaciones son verdaderas (T) o falsas (F) y justifica turespuesta: (2 puntos; 0,5 por apartado)
[ ] Malala 79 has already met some important people to fight her cause. Line(s).
[ ] The Taliban did not control people´s lives or 80 tastes. Line(s).
[ ] People around the world were very worried about the gunman who shot Malala. Line (s)
[ ] July 12th, Malala Day, is now dedicated to girls in a vulnerable situation which prevents them from going toschool. Line(s).
A. GRAMÁTICA. (2 puntos)
3. Responde a las siguientes cuestiones: (2 puntos; 0,5 por apartado)
A. Find in the text a synonym for punishment/ revenge:
B. Write an interrogative sentence asking for the underlined words:
“Malala has won the Nobel Prize because she is leading the fight for girls’ education around the world”
C. Link the two sentences to form a relative clause:
“The Taliban issued an edict banning girls from going to school in 2008. Malala started to write her blog then.”
D. Transform the following sentence into the passive voice:“Malala won the Nobel Prize when she was very young.”
4. Escribe un texto de entre 70 y 120 palabras sobre uno de los siguientes temas:
· 1) Would you like to have a blog? What would you like to write about in it?
·2) If you were in an influential position, what would you do to make a better world?
Respuesta libre.
En este ejercicio se tendrán en cuenta los siguientes aspectos:
- La presentación del ejercicio (orden, limpieza).
- La organización del texto (coherencia y cohesión, puntuación…).
- La riqueza gramatical y léxica (vocabulario específico, estructuras gramaticales complicadas, etc…).
- La corrección gramatical y ortográfica.
- La adecuación (límite de palabras, aborda todos los puntos, realiza lo que se le pide).
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