
martes, 16 de noviembre de 2021

Texto Nº 9 para traducir. 16 de noviembre de 2021: Advertising and television.

foto de @mmolpor de la Cafetería Lazcano,
Mirasierra, Madrid.

Buenas tardes, familia #ingléspagsypau #inglésipep.

¿Es todo tan rico, apetecible y verdadero como nos presenta la publicidad? Veamos qué nos dicen en el texto que os dejo esta semana, de un NIVEL ALTO, para aprender mucho vocabulario y repasar muchas estructuras gramaticales, pero principalmente:

1) Relativos, de nuevo.
2) Pasivas.
3) 'To have something done'.

Y ahora, a trabajar: 


AZUL: Traducciones.

ROJO: Aspectos gramaticales.

VERDE: Aspectos culturales.

NARANJA: Estructuras concatenadas

MORADO: Traducción y sinónimos, antónimos, etc.

Amarillo: Palabras con trampa.


When the 1954 Television 1) Act made it 2) mandatory for the different television companies to see that any advertising they carried 3) conformed to the ITA's Principles of Television advertising, Parliament in effect was creating two 4) quite separate 5) standards of advertising. This double standard has continued 6) ever since.

7) On the one hand is television advertising, 8) every piece of which is 9) scrutinized 10) beforehand by a central committee and 11) compelled to  12) comply with an increasingly 13) demanding 14) set of rules, the 15) infringement of which could 16) lead to direct action by the Government. And 17) on the other hand is the rest of advertising with no 18overall scrutiny of individual advertisements, an 19) undemanding code and responsibility to an authority 20) whose expenses the industry pays and whose members it 21) appoints.

👉👉 Grammar point of paramount importance in this paragraph: relativos: whose y which. 

It should be emphasized that this double standard is not 22) merely theoretical. In practice it appears even more clearly in the contrast between the 23)  leisurely operation of 24) 'self-discipline' in advertising 25) as a whole and the precise and often 26) very tough way the programme companies' censoring committee 27) deals with the commercials 28) which are submitted to it. 29) At first sight this censoring committee 30) looks like 31) yet another of those 32) ad hoc creations which British 33) media 34) owners have  been in the habit of 35) setting up to 36) enforce their own views of the standards of the advertising they accept. 37) In itself it has no legal obligation to censor anything. (Under the Television Act it is the Independent Television Authority which is 38) ultimately responsible for seeing that the legal minimum for commercials is 39) actually imposed, just 40) as each of the eleven independent television contracting companies in the country has no obligation to see that any commercials it 41) broadcasts conform to it.)

But in practice it was found that 42) the only way of 43) making sure 44) that they did conform was for the separate companies 45) to join forces 46) to vet all television commercials centrally and to impose a single standard of interpretation for the 47) whole country. The copy committee of the Independent Television Companies Association was the organization set up to do it and at present deals with just over seven thousand separate television commercials a year.

👉👉44): That they conformed was...: Ver: uso de 'do' o 'did' enfático aquí.

The Independent Television Authority has the last word over any 48) disputed or particularly difficult decisions, and also sees all 49) projected commercials before they are finally accepted. This participation of the Authority in the work of scrutinizing commercials has recently been 50) stepped up after criticisms that the programme companies were being left too much freedom in the work of 51) censorship. But 52) in fact the day-to-day work of scrutinizing commercials continues to be done by the ITCA, and 53) however anomalous the idea may seem of 54having 55) the bulk of the censoring done by the same people who are trying to sell television time to the advertisers, it is hard 56) to fault the efficiency with which they have done their work.

👉👉54) '(...) of having the bulk of the censoring done...': Ver 'to have something done' aquí.

👉👉Grammar point of paramount importance here: oraciones pasivas como las siguientes que enumero a continuación:

1.- It should be emphasized that: Se debería enfatizar el hecho de que...
2.- It was found that...: Se descubrió que...
3.- Before they are finally accepted: Antes de que por fin se aceptaran...
4.- Criticisms that the companies were being left too much freedom: Ante las críticas de que a las empresas se les daba demasiada libertad...
5.- The work of scrutinizing commercials has recently been stepped up after...: La tarea de revisar anuncios se ha visto reforzada después de que...
6.- Scrutinizing commercials continues to be done by...: Todavía se siguen revisando los anuncios por parte de...

See you later, dear folks!

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