
miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2022

Text for translation nº 27: Shopaholism. 16 de febrero de 2022.

Buenas tardes, estimada familia IPEP #inglésipep #ingléspagsypau (en Twitter).

 Hoy vamos a trabajar varios textos muy breves y bastante más sencillos. De nuevo, son materiales que están incluidos en el programa de vuestro curso de la página CREA de la Junta de Andalucía. El tercero trata sobre el problema del consumismo desenfrenado y la adicción a las compras.


AZUL: Traducciones.

ROJO: Aspectos gramaticales.

VERDE: Aspectos culturales.

NARANJA: Estructuras concatenadas

MORADO: Traducción y sinónimos, antónimos, etc.

Amarillo: Palabras con trampa.

Os dejo una plantilla para que, sobre la marcha, podáis ir completando con sinónimos, antónimos, etc y los significados. Espero que os sea de utilidad. Pinchad aquí para descargarla. 


Shopaholism, also commonly referred to as compulsive shopping or shopping addiction is basically characterized by an uncontrollable desire to make purchases when there is really no need for the same. Oniomania is the technical term used to describe shopaholism. While some health experts believe that compulsive shopping is an impulse control disorder, others claim that it is an indication of obsessive compulsive disorder or bipolar disorder. Of late, it has also been accepted as a type of addiction, because like in the case of any other addiction, the individual lacks control over his impulses.

Plastic money or the credit card is the main cause for worsening this mental condition. Shopaholics run their credits up to the maximum limit without thinking whether they will be able to pay off for such huge expenses. Initially, they feel happy; but later, just like any other addictive behavior such as alcoholism, tobacco smoking, drug abuse, gambling, or binge eating, they begin to experience a sense of guilt as they feel that they have just done something wrong. Many people, especially women and teenagers, shop for pleasure when they are in low spirits.

This addiction ultimately leads to financial losses, which
not only affect the person concerned but also his or her near and dear ones. The strained relationships caused by this mental disorder can even break homes. The exact cause of such addictive behavior is not known; but according to some psychiatrists, such actions can be triggered by a need to feel special. Shopaholics try to fill in a void in their lives with objects. The act of shopping gives the compulsive shopper a high due to the release of certain ‘feel good’ hormones.

There is no customary or foolproof treatment option that can help to get rid of this problem immediately. The individual should first of all accept that he has a problem and should therefore take the help of his family and friends, without feeling ashamed. If the condition gets worse, Medical help must be sought. Undergoing professional counseling or joining a self-help group is often useful in trying to deal with this problem. The condition usually does not require any medication unless it is too severe or there are other associated distressing symptoms.

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Saludos, familia IPEP.

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